Monday, August 19, 2013

Bye Bye FPIES.

JAKE is officially done with FPIES.  Done.  He is 3 years, 6 months old.  I'm kind of beside myself. I don't have to check labels, ask servers for ingredients, call ahead to restaurants, deprive my poor kids of french fries (actually I won't miss that).  

Now we deal with the regular three year old struggles.

Separation anxiety (we started preschool last week), potty training, tantrums, and picking battles as they come.  

But we don't have to deal with food any more.  It may take me a while to stop checking labels.  

I'm glad I kept this journal.  Thinking back to his first birthday with only a few safe foods and still nursing like there was no tomorrow with a strict elimination diet, it seems like so long ago.  Jake's pediatrician still doesn't recognize FPIES.  It seems like it almost didn't happen.  Things are moving along here.  Kids are growing up.  Time doesn't stand still. We didn't make a big deal of it.  We never did.  We were always just.... careful.  We were lucky.  We only had three foods to worry about.

What have we done to celebrate?  Nothing.  We haven't made a trip to a forbidden fast food joint, which I figured would be the first thing we'd want to do.  Life just keeps going along as it did.  Jake's tried a few different items we love with rice.  Rice Crispy treats, sushi, etc.  He doesn't really like any of it.  

So that's it.  We're done.  Wow.  

I'm not sure it's really sunk in yet.   

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bananas PASS!

"I'm big now, I can eat bananas" - Jake

No reactions whatsoever.  He's had them just straight out of the peel and mixed into smoothies for over a week now.  He's one happy dude.

Next up is rice and oats.  Not sure when because our schedule gets really crazy starting next week.  But I have a lot more confidence in trying these two, now!  


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 1 - Banana

Go Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

My excitement is not as high as that fun cheer we learned as kids. It is with great hesitation and a sense of mommy guilt that I just fed Jake a few bites of banana. If he gets sick, it's my fault.  Right?

HOWEVER, Jake has officially been signed up for preschool starting in August.  The truth is I need to KNOW what is going to happen when he eats a banana, a rice crispy treat or a cheerio.  Will he vomit profusely?  Will his body go into shock?  Or are we passed this and he can just smile and wave and go on his merry way eating whatever the h-e-double-hockey-sticks he wants?

We shall wait and find out.

P.S. I know it's been a year since I posted... what's the past year been like?  A normal year.  Jake turned three recently. Jake likes to do whatever his big siblings are doing, he loves to hike, play baseball, ride his bike, eat candy, smile, laugh, throw tantrums, test his boundaries, play with trains, superheroes, matchbox cars and tools. He would rather wear superhero costumes than any form of normal clothing.

P.P.S.  I still check EVERY. SINGLE. ITEM. that goes in his mouth for rice, oats or bananas.  He also knows he's allergic to them and before trying anything new he says "does this have oats in it Mama?", "do these fries have rice on them, Mama?".  Kids are so dang smart.