Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Milk Update

So it took me three days to actually GIVE Jake some milk after I posted.  We are now on day three of "sips".  He's probably had one or two teaspoons a day.  Slow and steady wins the race, right?  Did we not learn anything from the Tortoise and the Hare?  Besides, we had a busy few days and I just wasn't ready. 

I thought about doing raw milk, baking the milk in something, cooking it, then I thought... I'm just going for it.  I'm going to give him what I want to buy for him to drink.  I don't want to drive to some dairy farm to buy raw milk for him, unless I thought he really needed it.  Again, he's had ZERO reaction to any dairy in my breast milk.  This is what I'm basing things on.  I really think he's going to pass milk. So our trial is consisting of organic whole milk from TJ's.  

I have a yogurt maker I'm dying to use.  If the sips continue to go well, I may whip up a batch of the yogurt this week. 

I can't believe I just typed those words.


Well... Jake is cranky.  He also is having a molar explosion that is erupting in his mouth. 

His sleep is interrupted.  Up every hour from Midnight til 5am last night.  But, I keep going back to the molars.  They look so painful.  So painful, that tonight I may give him some of his infant advil at bedtime, just so he can have some relief.  When he wakes up he's not crying in tummy pain either.  It's different.  It's not a stiff body, arching back, dear God, help me cry.  It's just a fussy cry. 

As for symptoms, that's it.  He had a normal poop yesterday (I know y'all were dying to know).  His tummy seems FINE.  He's just been acting like a two year old the past few days.  Tantrums and such.  Maybe he'll be like his big sis and go through this stage early.  Then Jake will be a wonderful, terrific two year old.  Maybe he'll even be a wonderful, terrific two year old with no allergies.  I'm dreaming.. I know.  I don't know when I'll ever let him try rice or oatmeal again.  Maybe when he's 18 and begging to try sushi like all his friends.  I seriously doubt he'll ever beg for oatmeal.  "But Mom, I don't want Frosted Flakes.  I want OATMEAL!".  Baaahhaahhaaa.. I make myself laugh. 

Goooooooo Milk! 

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