Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jake passed corn.

I don't understand it.  But we'll take it.

Did he have a corn intolerance and now he's grown out of it?  Were we duped with the ascorbic acid?  Was it something else that caused that reaction?

I don't know what to think any more.  Meanwhile, Jake will eat his Kix and beg for his TJ's Kettle Corn and I will breathe a sigh of relief. 

The allergist is going to flip when we visit next month.  We've passed dairy AND corn. 

We're going to play it safe with some summer fruits next.  Watermelon?  Cantelope?  Honeydew?  Yes, yes and yes.  Maybe we'll try one of our "shelved" foods again.  Maybe eggs?

One foot in front of the other.  We're moving on. 


  1. Whoooo hooooo!
    Say WHAT?!?
    Dairy AND corn. Oh my GOODNESS! hooray!!

  2. Oh my gosh! That is SOOO great!

    We've jumped the gun on summer fruits and Kara LOVES them. Melons, berries, the whole works. She had her own rasberry sorbet yesterday at a birthday party and thought she was pretty special!

  3. Congrats!! What wonderful strides you guys are making!!! A note about the ascorbic acid-- did you ever find out what source it came from? It can come from corn, but also from cherries and pineapple. I am so glad that corn is in the clear!! Bring on the popcorn!!!!

  4. Yeah!!!!!! Jake passed corn? Jake passed corn! YES, Jake passed corn!! So happy to see this post!
