Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Its unofficial... Jake's trialing wheat.

Yesterday Jake begged and cried until I gave him a bite of my steak soft taco.  I have no idea what was in the tortilla.  I'm guessing white flour and soybean oil.

Today he begged and cried until I gave him my pizza crust.  PIZZA CRUST.  I think I've jumped off the deep end. 

I'm not winning mother of the year over here.  But it's not like I gave him a rice crispy treat. I will draw the line somewhere. 

I guess I could be one of those moms who say "if Jake can't have it, then none of us will".  But why should my big kids be punished for Jake's dysfunctional gut?

The truth is, every time I eat something, I think about his reaction.  Will he whine and cry for it?  Can I make something that looks similar and trick him?  Some days I make my older kids wait until Jake's taking a nap to have a snack. 

Some days I've just said NO too many times.

I don't like hiding things from my kids.  I don't like eating when he's not looking.  I don't like telling my older son we can't meet his friends for pizza at lunch time because Jake will throw a fit.  I don't like eating dessert in shifts so Jake doesn't see.  But when we're at the grandparent's for dinner (every Sunday), dessert is always there. I'm so tired of saying NO.

So, today I said YES.  We're trialing wheat.  In our own unconventional way. 

I really hope this doesn't come back and bite me in the ass.


  1. I know how you feel!
    Just be careful - I almost caved and gave Kara one of our tortilla's one day. (she has her own plain old wheat ones or corn ones)My hubby stopped me - THOSE HAVE RICE FLOUR IN THEM!
    Sure enough, they did. Thank GOD I didn't give her one of those!

  2. oh yes, that sneaky rice flour is in a lot of things! Especially tortillas. I had looked it up before... we were at Taco Bell, and we were safe from the rice flour, thankfully! After reading my post I think I sound like a fast food junkie! We actually hardly ever eat fast food. This has just been one of those weeks!
