Sunday, June 26, 2011

Don't feed the baby.

We recently returned from a week vacation with family.  A whole week without Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.  We survived!  However, I did pack a jar of Jake's organic apple sauce.  A large jar.

We stayed with my in-laws who are always overly accommodating.  Right when we arrived the first words out of my mouth were "Don't Feed The Baby".  And they all obliged. 

Within a few hours of arriving I made a quick trip to the grocery store and bought some essentials.  Yogurt, milk, cheese, bread, fruit, corn chex and goldfish.  This was his diet most of the week.  Along with his applesauce (mixed with iron). 

I read every label.  We went out for fast food a few times.  Twice I had to ask for the (very large) box the food came in so I could read the ingredient label.  Twice I was very glad I did because the food item had rice flour.  Rice Flour seems to be a staple in the fast food industry.  Twice the family ate out and Jake and I went for a walk instead. 

It was a wonderful week.  Lots of outside playtime, lots of family time, lots of fun.  And NO REACTIONS.  Yay!

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