Monday, February 28, 2011

Moving on to coconut!

I'm not going let the whole egg trial let me down.  So eggs are on the shelf for now, along with the avocado.  We will come back to them at some point. 

Today we try coconut!!  I've been adding it to my diet quite a bit lately.  I've become somewhat addicted.  I love it in my millet, yogurt, granola.  It's such a great natural sweetner.  I didn't even put honey in my millet this morning!  I just added some shredded coconut and raisins.  Oh my it was tasty. 

Crossing my fingers that Jake finds it as tasty as I do.  He's starting to get a bit picky about his foods.  I love when babies starting forming opinions about their food.  Not. 

Now how do I introduce the coconut?  Sneak it into his pancakes?  Mix up some special millet granola?  Decisions.  I may start with the granola for now since it's easy to make and I can easily monitor how much he eats.  Or maybe I sneak a little into his potatoes?  He's kind of smart though.  He knows when something's invaded his yummy potatoes. 

I'll keep you posted on what we decide. 

Here's to coconut!  *clink* (that would be coconut shells knocking together, not glass)

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