Monday, September 20, 2010

Fresh Veggies

This weekend Big Sis N and I planted a garden!  The hubs had made a nice spot for us on the side of the house.  He and Big Bro Z cleared the area, put down a raised bed my Dad had made and filled it with nice dirt.  Big Sis N and I turned the dirt, added some peet moss, planted, mulched and watered.  This is our first time having a garden.  I always joke that I'm a good harvester.  My Dad has had gardens for 30 years.  I'm really good at picking and eating.  Not so much at growing.  Since the grandparents live within walking distance to us, I never had the desire to grow my own since I could just walk down the street and pick some nice organic veggies from Pops.  BUT Big Sis N has been begging to have a garden and Pops made the raised bed for "her".  So here we are, planting carrots, onions and green beans.  Next week I think I'll add some spinach and zucchini. I'm crossing my not so green thumbs that something grows.  I will admit it felt good to be out there sweating and getting dirty! 

In the meantime, it looks like Jake will start butternut squash this week.  I had originally planned on spinach (to get a little iron), but based on what I've read, we should wait until at least 10 months.  There is a possibility of high nitrates in Spinach?  I may have to research a little more.  I didn't want to chance anything though.  So butternut squash it is.  Another orange veggie!


  1. I commented on this yesterday from my phone. Hmmm. Wonder what happened?
    ANyway, I commented that I wanted to try squash with Kara but I rechecked our list from our allergist and it is on the common FPIES trigger foods so now I'm scared! I haven't read your new post to see how it went so I'm anxious!
    We have passed our third trial in a row, beef, so now I'm debating what to do next...

  2. Hi Kendall! I skipped yesterday with the squash because we had a busy day. Today he seems better with it. We just passed our "2 hour" mark and no problems. Maybe he was just having an off day? Wow third trial in a row and beef! That is awesome! Yikes, I didn't know squash was a common trigger. Dang. Well day 2 has gone OK, we'll see what tomorrow brings. LOL about the DDP... I'm an addict. If they knew how much us FPIES moms consumed, maybe they'd contribute to our research!
